The Climatic Disruption, Systems thinking to interpret migration and conflict under climatic constraints: the case study of Syria and its applicability to the Colombian context = La Perturbación Climática, Pensamiento sistémico para la interpretación de conflicto y migración en escenarios con restricciones climáticas: el caso de Siria y su aplicabilidad en el contexto Colombiano

Current policy-making understands human and ecological systems as independent, leading to the misconception that, though they interact, they can be managed separately. This often leads to policy overlooking the effects that the environment has on human structures, and vice versa. Under environmental...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor Principal: Florez Urazan, Laura
Formato: Trabajo de grado (Bachelor Thesis)
Lenguaje:Desconocido (Unknown)
Publicado: 2017
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