Colombian Immigrants in Sweden: A qualitative approach to their Experiences and Attitudes in their First Interactions with the Swedish Healthcare System = Inmigrantes colombianos en Suecia: un enfoque cualitativo a sus experiencias y actitudes en las primeras interacciones con el sistema de salud sueco

The Latin American population in Sweden has been increasing, and Colombians accounted for 17-24 % of the total migrant population in the last 5 years. In migration, acculturation is a process where individual changes take place as a result of contact with other culturally dissimilar people, which is...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor Principal: Moreno Nicholls, Soley Tatiana
Formato: Trabajo de grado (Bachelor Thesis)
Lenguaje:Desconocido (Unknown)
Publicado: 2017
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