Visibility of ethnic identity traits of minority groups in state schools’ history curriculum: The case of San Andres island, home of the ‘Raizals’, in colombia’s western caribbean sea area = Visibilidad de las características étnicas de grupos minoritarios o vulnerables en el currículo de Historia de los colegios públicos: el caso de San Andres Isla, tierra de los raizales, en el territorio marítimo oeste de Colombia

Abstract: This study explores the visibility of ethnic identity features of the San Andreans in the history curriculum of its state schools. It uses a comparative approach through a content analysis of the Social Science curriculum, and the Afro Colombian Studies lecture plan of study. The findings...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor Principal: Mclean Bent, Shelly Sulaicka
Formato: Trabajo de grado (Bachelor Thesis)
Lenguaje:Desconocido (Unknown)
Publicado: 2016
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