Unintentional asphyxiation deaths in adolescents: autoerotic asphyxia and asphyxial games as part of the same syndrome = Muertes por asfixia no intencional en adolescentes: asfixia autoerótica y juegos de asfixia como parte del mismo síndrome

OBJECTIVES: Unintentional asphyxia among preadolescents and adolescents by compression of the neck and other means of inducing hypoxia / anoxia in order to get exhilarating effects are not new or uncommon behaviors and can lead to death by accident. Medical science has described autoerotic asphyxiat...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor Principal: Rodríguez Zorro, Andrés
Formato: Trabajo de grado (Bachelor Thesis)
Lenguaje:Desconocido (Unknown)
Publicado: 2012
Acceso en línea:http://babel.banrepcultural.org/cdm/ref/collection/p17054coll23/id/222