Elasticity of demand of an antidepressant drug in Colombia as an strategy to assess market power

This article develops an estimation of the price elasticity of demand of a medication 'type' for treating depression. This disorder affects physically and mentally a big part of the population around the world. This disorder is considered an important public health problem whose preva-lenc...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores Principales: Cadena-Lozano, Javier Bernardo, Ariza-Garzón, Miller Janny, Pulido-Cruz, Carlos Gerardo
Formato: Artículo (Article)
Lenguaje:Inglés (English)
Publicado: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana 2016
Acceso en línea:https://repository.urosario.edu.co/handle/10336/23204