Waist circumference cut-off points for the diagnosis of abdominal obesity in Colombian population by means of bioimpedance as a reference standard

Correlation study between diagnostic tests and cut-off points of waist circumference to define abdominal obesity in Colombian population where the reference standard was bioimpedance as a method of estimating visceral fat. Minimum sample size was calculated at 366 patients. A total of 501 patients w...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores Principales: Buendía, Richard, Zambrano, Mónica, Díaz, Ángela, Reino, Adelaida, Ramírez, July, Espinosa, Elsa
Formato: Artículo (Article)
Lenguaje:Español (Spanish)
Publicado: Elsevier B.V. 2014
Acceso en línea:https://repository.urosario.edu.co/handle/10336/22993